Dhamma Story about The Reason I Might Relocate to Sri Lanka
When planning my journey to Sri Lanka from India, where I was staying, I did not have a clear itinerary or any specific activities in mind. I had only one wish: to sit a Vipassana course in the Dhamma Land. Since I had served just one month prior in Chennai in India, sitting the course seemed the obvious choice.
My first 10-day Vipassana course four years ago in Germany deeply changed my life and since then so many incredible things have happened. Dhamma has transformed my life in ways I could not imagine, and I am immensely thankful for this particular path I have chosen to walk for the rest of my life.
Joining a Vipassana course as a student or volunteer while visiting a new country is a way to do it. At least, my way to do it. I have taken advantage of the time privilege I had a few times before, and Sri Lanka seemed like the perfect place to continue this little tradition of mine.
I just love to grow in Dhamma.
And write my own Dhamma story along the way. I cherish the time spent on Dhamma land, observing how centers around the globe are organized and how they function. Above all, I love meeting fellow Dhamma practitioners and expanding my network of dear friends.

with fellow Dhamma Sisters from Dhamma Anuradha
Connections made with fellow Dhamma sisters are simply invaluable. Dear Brothers come along too, but rarely as gender segregation is real y’all 😉 I am forever grateful for my lovely new-old Dhamma friends, known as kallyanamitas – noble friends – who are now part of my life journey. I am thankful beyond words to you. Yes, you know who you are! All important part of my own Dhamma story.
A Thrilling Plan

shortly before the arrival at Dhamma centre
So while considering the possibilities of activities in Sri Lanka, it occurred to me that attending the course could serve as an introductory handshake with the newly visited country – my very first experience there.
Excited by this idea, I began searching for centers that offered a 10-day course around the time of my arrival. To my surprise, one of the four centers in Sri Lanka offered exactly what I was looking for – a course starting on the second day of my arrival. Perfect!
I quickly opened the application, filled out the form, clicked the confirm button, and applied for the course.
Then I let go. Well, to be honest, I did not completely let go.
In the next few days, I occasionally wondered what I would do if I was not accepted. With only one week left before the course started, I felt a bit restless.
Needless to say, my fears not to be accepted were unfounded as there was no reason for rejection. The course still had available spots, and I am a serious meditator, sitting regularly twice a day. Nothing could go wrong – I had to reassure myself a few times.
Little did I know that a few days later, on Friday, September 1st, at 4:15 AM, I would find myself stuck in the lobby of a locked hotel in Colombo, desperately hoping to open the glass door in time to catch a 4:50 AM train to Anuradhapura…
A few days later, I received the confirmation email. I was accepted to the course. Yay! This made my day. After writing them a kind thank-you letter for accepting me, I started preparing for the course.

the confirmation letter that made me happy 🙂
This time around, I had much more clarity as I knew what my first two weeks would look like. That was more than enough for the time being.
My plan was very simple: after arriving in Colombo, I would spend one night in the city. The next day, I would catch a train to Anuradhapura, where Dhamma Anuradha is located, and sit the course for the following 10 days. What came afterward would be dealt with later 😉
Immersed in my thoughts, I only had to deal with sweet worries from now on.
I needed to book a room in Colombo, reserve a train ticket, find useful local apps to help me navigate the country, research how to get a local SIM card, and so on. In a nutshell, I had to deal with all the practicalities.
Fast forward one week, I was in Sri Lanka, comfortably sitting in the backseat of Nishan’s tuk-tuk while heading towards the Dhamma Center. I felt so happy to be alive after that crazy bus ride the day before.
I felt inner peace, calmness, and a lot of gratitude. Mentally, it was a wonderful place to be. However, I got dehydrated after all the bargaining earlier in the city center. Bargaining?
Well, after this blonde lady, whose lines you are currently reading, showed her mastery in bargaining, her mouth got dry.
I requested my tuk-tuk driver friend to stop at one of the many coconut stands along the way. I just love, love, loooove fresh coconut water.

Nishans’ identity checked 👍
I can’t say often enough that the abundance of coconuts might be a reason for my permanent relocation to Sri Lanka. It’s amazing to have them available anytime and everywhere!
Anyway, my driver kept on driving and did not stop.
After we passed three or four stands, I gently tapped his shoulder and reminded him about the coconut.
He nodded again and said, “Yes, ma’am.”
Shortly after, he pointed with his right hand at a stand with many fresh coconuts and corn in leaves on display. The small, humble stand was on the right side of the road, just about 100 meters from where we were. While showing me the stop, where I was about to trench my thirst, he was saying: There is the stand ma’am, we will stop there.
He parked his red tuk-tuk. The kind old man worked the magic with his big sharp knife. He effortlessly opened both coconuts and gave us two freshly cooked corns.
the moment of arrival
Refreshed, with a happy and full tummy, and a few photos later, we continued our journey. My final destination got closer and closer. I knew we were about to turn left from the main road and reach our destination within a few moments as Google Maps which is due-to safety reasons always running on my phone when driving in taxis or tuk-tuks, showed so.
We saw a big blue board with the white sign “Vipassana Center – Dhamma Anuradha” and a yellow arrow pointing to the right through my non-existent window of the tuk-tuk.
I have finally arrived!
With lots of calm love 🫶
P.S. How about you, my dear reader? Is there something special that would make you relocate to another country? Do you have some interesting dhamma story you want to share? Let me know in the comments below.